Monday 18 January 2016


The start of a new year always brings fresh ideas and new ways of how we imagine we’ll do things, a new direction, maybe!

I love this time of year. It’s a time of change, clearing out the old and the clutter and making way for the new, perfectly aligned with running a retail business. But before you run for the paint and brushes or sell off your most profitable products you first need to learn from what’s past.

Change for changes sake isn’t a good thing. There needs to be good reason to back it up so, before you action all your plans, give yourself a few minutes to consider 2015. What was good? What didn’t go to plan? What bad habits did you promise yourself you’d break at the start of 2015 only to find that by the end of January you’d reverted back to them? And remember, timing is everything. Sometimes we start things too soon and end things before we’ve explored all the options. I know, I’m speaking from experience!

Would any of the following make a difference to your retail business this year?

New product ranges, new shop interior, smarter marketing, improved customer service, more staff, better market positioning, stronger street and online presence, new brand identity, better strategic buying, sharper product edit or smarter working and so on...

My question is do you need a new direction, or change, or do you need to work smarter on what you already have. Will any physical changes to your business give you a good return on your investment or will they just make you feel good, which could also have a positive impact on your business?  Or, will changes in how you work see stronger profitability and maybe more time to do other things which just might, make you feel even better?

All the best

#retail   -consultant  -designer  -visualcommunicator  -educator
tel      07907 691711

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