Wednesday, 18 December 2013


Very Christmas

Let it snow!  As much as I’d like this to happen in the last few days before Christmas it wouldn’t necessarily be a good thing for the hard working retailers on our high streets. Look what happened last year!

As a child I can vividly remember listening out for the weather forecast as Christmas approached, wishing hard for snow to fall on Christmas Eve and guess what, one year my wish was granted and the icing was very truly on the Christmas cake. These days my children (21 & 16) still do the same thing, although where we live the chance of snow is a very slim one!

Snow is an integral part of the Christmas image, love it or hate it it’s the stuff that makes Christmas Christmassey!  What we need is the end scene from the film White Christmas as the barn doors open to reveal snow falling on the perfect landscape and a horse drawn sled gliding silently up the road in the distance.  Very Hollywood, very staged, but why not, at this time of year it’s just what we need!

We may not have or even want snow on the ground but at least these retailers have done their bit to bring us some snowy scenes and hopefully enhance our Christmas feeling.

Mini Santa s, giant headphones

Where's Peter Pan?

Nice staging but not so sure about headless mannequin

Better than the TV commercial

Conran's winter scene

Mulberry brings us a winter wonderland

Bergdorf Goodman where else!

Dean Martin - Let it Snow 
Email Peter
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