Monday, 25 April 2016


My thoughts at the moment seem to be focussed on time and, how well I use it. Unfortunately, we only have a limited supply and it’s never enough.

With the current trend to share everything we do on social media the pressure to use our time well to stay on top of our game is immense.

On the surface, if you believe everything you see on social media, everyone seems so perfect, wow!  Of course, it isn’t really like this, even for those that sit at the top of their empire. But, all this social activity takes away more time so, it’s important to strike a balance between what we should do, and what we shouldn’t.

Social media is a relatively new phenomenon and important marketing tool which, should be an integral part of business. It’s a great place to raise the your business profile, build communities and engage with a new audience. But, it is developing with incredible speed and most small businesses, and some big ones too, struggle with how they use it. For many there is no plan and comes down to trial and error.

Plus there’s that little problem of learning new skills. How do you justify the time you’re spending on something, new or otherwise, especially when you can’t always directly measure the results of your effort?

Whether you are creating a new retail campaign, updating or launching your online site, restructuring your marketing activity, all of this work has a time cost.  

As the numbers continue to grow online and internet usage expands to stratospheric levels, the work you have to put in to get noticed becomes harder and harder. Sometimes you have to work at things for days, weeks, months and often years before you start to see any results. But, this doesn't mean you should give up.

As to whether its time well spent, only time will tell. My advice is to embrace new technologies and media channels, even at the most basic level, plan and organise your time to suit and, keep going...

All the best

#retail   -consultant  -designer  -visualcommunicator  -educator
tel      07907 691711

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