Tuesday 5 April 2016


Think big, act small, it’s the little things that count…

Some of our best and most famous retail brands come from a place of total dedication and passion. Every minute detail of their business is thoughtfully considered from every conceivable angle, particularly when it relates to anything customer facing. In most cases there will be a significant team of people delivering the vision but undoubtedly, there will be one person leading the way.

Some, not all of these retailers, understand the idiosyncrasies of their customers, allowing their teams to fine tune their retail offer to meet their customers’ needs.

It’s the seemingly little things that make the difference and the big retailers can at times struggle delivering the detail. So, there’s a gap for the independents to take advantage. The big brands may have all the mechanisms in place to measure and evaluate every aspect of their retail offer but they don’t always act upon it!

Its these little things that strengthen the ties between you and your customers. The personal service you give, the way you merchandise your shop to give your products added appeal and the way you provide a comfortable shopping experience for customers, which sometimes means taking things away. It’s that extra space you provide for customers to browse, the surprising (and quick) packaging you produce at the point of purchase and its that extra length you go to to show your customers you care. Their visit to your shop is important, make it a most enjoyable experience.

They may be little things but they mean a lot, think big act small…

All the best

#retail   -consultant  -designer  -visualcommunicator  -educator
tel      07907 691711

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